4.3 version 2021/07/08
Added an option to create organization default settings.
- Added a language section which can be found in the settings page.
- Added an option in the language section to filter out languages to be translated.
- Added an option to change the interface of the application.
- Hits with more words that your input will be given a stricter confidence. This feature is not applicable for media and OpenCorperates.
- The risk explanation has been changed to give a better assement of why a risk is eventually assigned to a hit.
- Resolved an issue where the place of birth was not rendered correctly for organization sources.
- Resolved an issue where the map would not render if only a country was applied.
- Resolved an issue where a very long word would not show correctly in the pdf report.
- Resolved an issue where sorting on risk would not work when risk was overruled.
- Resolved an issue where cases could be edited while searching.
- Resolved an issue where the changes in confidence and news filters where not saved correctly in the audit.
Known Issues
- The statistics page sometimes does not respond to dragging tiles.