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How to create and resolve your first case

This documentation, including images, videos and text, is accurate as of Version 5.6 of Pascal.

We strive to keep our documentation up to date with each release to ensure it remains a reliable resource for our users. However, given the dynamic nature of our software development, there might be instances where changes introduced in subsequent versions are not immediately reflected in this documentation. We encourage users to refer to the latest release notes and to use the feedback mechanism for any discrepancies or requests for clarification.

Pascal assist with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) requirements by searching a wide range of sources for information about an entity. This information is gathered in a case.

Create a case

There are two ways to create a case: through the Home page or through the Cases page.

  1. Go to the Home or Cases page.
  2. Select the New case button.
  3. This will open a side dialogue.
  4. Select whether a Person or Business case should be created.
  5. Fill in all available information. We recommend filling in as much information as possible, as this will decrease the likelihood of false positive hits. See the section Case information below for more details on the fields.
  6. In the case of a Person case, a passport can be uploaded which will automatically fill in the fields that are present on the passport.
  7. Select the Create case button.

A new case has now been created.

If a case already exists with the exact same input, the user will receive a notification that a duplicate case already exists. The user can then decide the view the duplicate case(s) or to create a new case.

Case information

The following fields are available while creating a Person case. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

  • Name*: the name of the person of interest.
  • Aliases: name variants or aliases of the person.
  • Nationalities: the nationality of the person.
  • Date of birth: the date of birth of the person.
  • Country of birth: the country of birth of the person.
  • Country of residence: the country of residence of the person.
  • Additional terms: any terms that are known to be associated with the person of interest. This term will be searched in all the fields of a hit.
  • Gender*: the gender of the person.
  • Client: the client to which the case should be linked.
  • Confidence*: determines if the found hits should be an exact match or if they can also be a relative (partial) match. We recommend relative matches.

The following fields are available while creating a Business case. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

  • Name*: the name of the business of interest.
  • Aliases: name variants or aliases of the business.
  • Jurisdiction: the jurisdiction of the business.
  • Company number: the company number of the business.
  • Address: the address of the business.
  • Additional terms: any terms that are known to be associated with the business of interest. This term will be searched in all the fields of a hit.
  • Client: the client to which the case should be linked.
  • Confidence*: determines if the found hits should be an exact match or if they can also be a relative (partial) match. We recommend relative matches.

The case

Upon creation of a new case, the user will be taken to the main page of the case. This page is divided into seven sections which each provide information related to the case.

  • The Resolving section shows the six sources that have been searched and how many hits have been found and resolved. The six sources that are searched by Pascal are:
    • Sanctions: hits of entities which have a disciplinary action taken against them for disobeying the law.
    • Enforcements: hits of entities which are an on law or regulatory enforcements and watchlists.
    • PEPs: hits of entities which are considered politically exposed persons.
    • Business Sources: hits of entities which are a company, or which are associated with a company.
    • Media Sources: hits of entities which are mentioned within a media article.
    • Other Sources: hits of entities which do not match any of the above sources
  • The Risk section shows the overall risk of the case, which correlates to the highest risk in the included hits. Risk should be enabled in Services for this information to be shown.
  • The Linked clients section provides an overview of the clients this case is linked to.
  • The Audit section shows actions that have been taken for this case and thereby serves as an audit trail.
  • The Case section provides general information on the case and the people involved.
  • The Monitoring section offers the opportunity to start monitoring a case and will provide additional information once a case is monitored.
  • The Specification section shows all information that has been provided by the user during the creation of the case. This information may be edited at any time.

Resolving the case

Select the Start resolving button to start resolving the found hits. The sources have been ordered by the likelihood of high-risk hits. Therefore, we recommend going source by source in the order that is provided by Pascal. Sources will be greyed out and cannot be selected when no hits have been found.

Within a source, hits are sorted by confidence. The confidence score indicates how confident Pascal is that a hit matches the case information. The higher the overlap between the case information and the hit information, the higher the confidence.

The Matched names section provides information on the names that were found within that source. Further filtering can be applied by searching for specific words in the search bar. The Media source offers additional information on the hits by providing an overview of the industries, adverse events,events and publication year of the retrieved articles in interactable charts. For example, clicking on a publication year in the bar chart will filter the hits on that publication year.

The adverse events, negative events and industries are classified by Pascal in articles written in our 11 supported languages (English, Spanish, German, Italian, Frensh, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, Arabic, Romanian and Dutch). IfSettings aregarding which type of media articleyou iswould not originally written in one of the supported languages, a Partial support tag will be visible nextlike to thesearch article title. The option to see partially supported language media articleson, can be found in the Screening Settings in the Policies .tab.

A hit can be expanded to view all information that is available for that hit. Pascal also offers an explanation as to why a hit was considered a match. Based on the information of a hit it can be decided if a hit is a true positive or a false positive, and should therefore be included or excluded, respectively. We recommend including all hits that relate to the user’s client, even if the hit does not add any risk to a case. All other hits should be excluded.

A hit can be included or excluded by:

  • Clicking the checkmark or cross on the left side of the hit, to include or exclude a hit, respectively.
  • Checking the checkbox on the right side of the hit and selecting Include or Exclude on the bottom of the page. This option can also be used to resolve multiple hits at once.
  • Left clicking on a hit and choosing to include or exclude all (selected) entries.

A comment can be attached to a hit when resolving. Adding a comment to each hit might be required if it is specified in the Policies. The include and exclude buttons are then replaced by a comment button in the resolve column of the table. Only once a comment has been provided, can a hit be included or excluded.

If the Risk service is enabled in Services, Pascal will provide a risk score for each hit. This risk indicates how high the risk is that is associated with each hit. The default risk scoring can be changed by an organisation owner or admin in the Risk tab in Settings. If a user determines that the calculated risk is not accurate, they can override the initial risk of a hit by populating the Modify risk field with the desired risk.

Pascal assists in the resolving process by offering Implicit Feedback. This is a service that can be enabled in Services. Implicit Feedback learns from the hits that have already been resolved and will adjust the confidence level of an unresolved hit accordingly. The confidence will increase if an unresolved hit has large overlap with hits that are already included, and the confidence will decrease if an unresolved hit has large overlap with hits that are already excluded. The original confidence will remain within the bar, while the adjusted confidence will be indicated with markers on top of the confidence bar. Implicit Feedback thereby creates more clarity for the user to understand if a hit is a true positive or a false positive.

Once all hits have been resolved the user will be offered to Start monitoring or Archive the case. Monitoring a case will ensure that the sources of a case are searched for new hits at the specified frequency. A case should be monitored if it is important to remain up to date with new information that might be published about the entity. If monitoring is not required, we recommend archiving the case as this will show that the work on the case has been completed.

Resolved cases can be found and open from the Cases page.