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How to download an organisation audit report

Actions performed that effect the whole organisation, are tracked in the organisation audit. A report can be generated for a given time period to view all changes made to your Pascal environment.

Downloading an organisation audit report can only be done by users with an admin or owner role.


To download a report:

  1. Go to the Settings page in Pascal.
  2. Navigate to the Account tab.
  3. In the Organisation card, click on the Download report button.
  4. In the new dialog that opened, choose the time period you would like to download the organisation report for.
  5. In the Choose content to include in the report select the information you would like to include in the report.
    • Overview – Information about the organisation the report is generated for. Including the organisation’s name, address, country, phone number and technical contact.
    • Audit – The audit of the chosen time period. With the action performed, when the action was performed and who performed the action.
  6. The filename can be changed if preferred.
  7. Download or email the report by selecting the Download or Email button.