Viewing the case characteristics
The Case characteristics tab shows various metrics on the composition of cases assigned to users.
If your account does not have an admin or owner role, you will only be able to see your own Case characteristics statistics.
Case inputs used
This overview shows per case input field how often the fields are used in existing cases in your Pascal organisations.
Person cases by nationality
This card shows all nationalities of the person cases currently active in your Pascal organisation. Requirements for nationalities to show up here are that the percentages should be at least 5% if the percentage is less, the nationalities will be added to other in the bar chart. Additionally, only 10 bars can show up in this bar chart, so all other nationalities will be added to the other as well.
The bars can also be selected to view the cases with this nationality.
Business cases by jurisdiction
This card shows all jurisdictions of the business cases currently active in your Pascal organisation. Requirements for jurisdictions to show up here are that the percentages should be at least 5% if the percentage is less, the jurisdiction will be added to the other in the bar chart. Additionally, only 10 bars can show up in this bar chart, so all other jurisdictions will be added to the other bar as well.
The bars can also be selected to view the cases with this jurisdiction.
Cases by risk
The Cases by risk card shows all cases of the organisation, or if there is filtered on specific users only their cases, sorted by the risk of those cases. This is only based on included hits like the risk card itself in a case's overview.