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4.10 Hyperlinking



Hyperlinking can be useful when you want to know more information about an entity found while resolving a case. All sources will be searched, just as when a new case is created, but without creating an actual new case. When performing a hyperlink, the current case name is added as an additional term, to take your previous search into consideration, which can determine the correlation between the two entities.


When the results seem relevant enough, and this entity should be resolved as well, a case can be created with the 'Create case' button below the presented data. A new dialog pops up with the name and potential other fields which were given in the hyperlink already filled in. Just as creating a new case yourself, you can still change and add information if that is desired.

Hyperlinking in an hyperlink is also possible. Then the previous hyperlinked name is also added to the additional terms of the new hyperlink.