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5.0 Improved statistics

In this update, the statistics page has been split into three themed tabs; Unresolved statusTeam activity and Case characteristics. The reworked statistics pages give a better overview of your team's workload, what important aspects in your organisation needs to be focussed on and how your team is working with Pascal.

 It is only possible to see Team activity or other activity from other users when your account has administrator access to Pascal.

In the Unresolved status page, overviews are given regarding the workload still present for users in the Pascal environment. There can be filtered on one or more users to only view their still to do work.

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In the Teams activity page, overviews are presented regarding the activity over a selected time period. Here, handled cases, clients, resolved hits and more can be found.

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In the Case characteristics page, an overview of case information is given. Here, there can also be filtered on one or multiple users, giving you the freedom to look at the workflow of a specific group of users or all users in your Pascal environment.

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