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5.0 More filters to find cases

More filter options have been added to the Cases section in Pascal. If you are looking for cases which meet specific criteria, it is now possible to filter on almost all characteristics of cases in Pascal!

Filters we have added in this section are among others:

  • Date of creation - here, a date range can be provided to search for cases created in a specific date range.
  • Risk - it is now possible to search on cases which have a specific risk associated to them, based on the already included hits in the cases.
  • Nationalities - filter cases based on one or multiple nationalities filled in in the filter section. If more nationalities are selected, the case only has to have one of those nationalities to be visible in the cases list. As business cases do not have nationalities but jurisdictions, you will not find any specific business cases with the selection in this filter.
  • Jurisdictions - filter cases based on one or multiple jurisdictions filled in in the filter section. If more jurisdictions are selected, the case only has to have one of those jurisdictions to be visible in the cases list. As person cases do not have jurisdictions but nationalities, you will not find any specific person cases with the selection in this filter.

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