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5.14 Assignee settings

With the update of Pascal 5.14, we have added the option to set a default assignee in the Screening settings. New cases created will be assigned to this default assignee if no other assignee is chosen during the creation of the case.

It is now also possible to change the assignee of a case while creating the case, to efficiently create and assign the case to the correct user.


To change the default assignee in the screening settings of Pascal, the below steps can be followed:

  1. Click on your initials in the top right corner.
  2. Select Settings besides your Pascal environment's name.
  3. Navigate to the Case workflow page in the Screening section.
  4. In the Default assignee section, change the assignee to the user or group to default assign new cases to. The option Self assign will assign new cases to the user who creates them.