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6.0 version 2024/09/01
Pascal Screening:
- Added discounts schemes based on total consumption.
- Added a minimum commitment of €49,-.
- Added a guided setup flow to assist in configuring a Pascal account according to an organisation's needs and policies.
- Added negative event classification in media hits.
- Added the option adjust the monitoring frequency in the case overview page.
- Added the adjustment of monitoring frequency to the organisation audits.
- Added an option to pay by invoice.
- Added an option to assign groups and roles during the user invitation process
- Changed the pricing structure of Pascal to a per search pricing model.
- Changed the monitoring frequency adjustment to be source specific instead of case specific.
- Changed the limit of cases to searches in free and trial organizations.
- Removed the source 'Business'.
- Removed negative sentiment in media hits.
Pascal Onboarding:
- Added an option to connect nationalities, date of birth, country of residence to the person entity question.
- Added an option to provide a privacy statement to the welcome mail for an external user.
- Changed the text 'Activity log' to 'Audit'.
- Changed the content of external facing emails.