Added the option to click on the graph bars in the Monitoring card in a Case, to see the relevant items in the resolve panel.
Added the option to select the country risk profile based on the CPI 2023.
Changed the last modified field to not update when the Monitoring frequency was changed for all existing cases.
Changed the All activity card in the Statistics to stay present when filtering on one individual.
Changed the names of the Statistics pages Unresolve status, Team activity and Case Characteristics to Resolvement, Activity and Cases respectively.
Changed the different statistics to use the same case data consistently.
Changed the tables to not show sort options when only one row is visible.
Changed the source data of the statistics to show data in the past more accurate.
Changed the notifications regarding assigned cases and mentions in comments to be removed when the related case is archived or deleted.
Changed the date range selector in the Statistics page Activity to be more flexible.
Changed the default setting for the HubSpot Pascal integration to not automatically search all contacts.
Changed the navigation of Pascal to an updated design.
Changed the Organisation report to include changes made to the Details information of the organisation.
Changed the Details of the organisation to include postal code and city and removed phone number and technical contact.
Changed the Billing details of the organisation to not include region.
Changed the maintenance page of Pascal to include status information.
Changed the transaction description format in Pascal to improve clarity and provide more detailed information for each transaction.
Changed the live chat functionality to a new system.
Changed the page new users were taken to when they accept an user account invitation.
Changed the expiry time of invitations, set password and reset password links to seven days.
Changed the name of Search Policies to Policies.
Resolved an issue where changing the media search policies for Preview cases would update the setting for Full cases instead.
Resolved an issue where logging in with Microsoft was possible when none of you organisations tenant IDs were linked.
Resolved an issue where the maximum of free cases in a Free account were fixed instead of variable.
Resolved an issue where creating a new organisation was not possible if you used an email address with different capitalisation than the email address that already existed in Pascal.
Resolved an issue where the icon and name alignment in the statistics page was incorrect.
Resolved an issue where the role Team manager did not have enough access in the Statistics pages to see team activity.
Resolved an issue where the role Team manager did not have enough access to see all cases of the environment.
Resolved an issue where the description of the Yale CELI data pack was not displaying correctly.
Resolved an issue where the confidence percentage was rounded up in the front end, but was rounded down in the generated reports.
Resolved an issue where the assignee wasn't correctly added when exporting data.
Resolved an issue where the monitoring chart and table didn't display corresponding information correctly.
Resolved an issue where a manual payment did not display the amount in the confirm dialog.
Resolved an issue where an user invitation didn't display when the invitation id was incorrect.
Resolved an issue where translations for deleting country profiles was missing.
Resolved an issue where deleting a report in a batch of reports wouldn't show as deleting until the page was refreshed.
Resolved an issue where the category wasn't automatically selected in malfunction reports.
Resolved an issue where email validation didn't handle uppercased input correctly.
Resolved an issue where trial end dates would display the first day of the month, while this should be the last day of the month.