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6.0 Negative Event Classifier

In Pascal 6.0 we introduce a new Media classifier for negative events. Which will help to identify negative media articles, next to the already existing adverse events classifier. The negative event classifier, allows you to quickly identify articles containing negative events particularly those related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues.

The negative tag can, like the adverse tag, be found in the hit details of a media article.


As displayed in the above example, multiple negative events can be associated with an article. The risk represented in articles, is by default increased when negative or adverse events are found.

To enable or disable the type of articles you would like Pascal to search on, the Media filters can be updated in the Screening policies.


Negative events that can be associated to articles
  • Accidents and safety incidents
  • Animal welfare issues
  • Constitutional issues
  • Corruption and governance failures
  • Cultural controversies
  • Cyberattacks
  • Education crisis
  • Electoral processes
  • Energy and resource depletion
  • Environmental disasters
  • Financial scandals and economic downturns
  • Health crisis
  • Human rights abuse
  • Immigration
  • Infrastructure failures
  • Massive layoffs
  • National security concerns
  • Natural disasters
  • Political unrest and conflict
  • Public service delivery
  • Religious conflicts and extremism
  • Social justice issues
  • Sport scandals
  • Technological failures
  • Trade policies and international relations
  • Transportation issues
  • War
  • Crime

Of course, it's also possible that no negative event is found in a media article. Besides the above list, the tag General negative event can also be assigned when there is no specific category the negative event falls in.

Adverse events that can be associated to articles
  • Corruption and bribery
  • Counterfeiting products
  • Counterfeiting currency
  • Environmental crime
  • Extortion
  • Forgery
  • Fraud
  • General crimes
  • Arms trafficking
  • Drug-related crimes
  • Insider trading
  • Kidnapping
  • Money laundering
  • Murder and bodily injury
  • Organised crime
  • Piracy
  • Theft
  • Sexual crimes
  • Smuggling
  • Tax crimes
  • Terrorism
  • Human trafficking
  • Financial crimes

  • Violent crimes

Besides these adverse events, it is also possible that no adverse event has been found in the article. Then the tag None identified will be visible in the result.